Post #116 Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3. Special Ops 11. Orsogna…Coming Soon. ‘ASL in About an Hour’ Replay of J244. Contest #126

Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3

MMP presents the third Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit Expansion Pack. ASLSK Expansion Pack #3 includes two new 8″ x 22″ geomorphic mapboards (h and g) and eight new scenarios set in locales such as Poland, Sicily, Italy, Russia, the Gilbert Islands, and the Marianas.

ASLSK Expansion Pack #3 continues the introduction of Concealment, first employed by the Japanese in Starter Kit #4 and now extended to several other nationalities. Expansion Pack #3 also includes Ordnance and Vehicle Notes for the weapons used in the scenarios.

As with Expansion Packs #1 and #2, Expansion Pack #3 does not come with everything you need to play!!!

Expansion Pack #3 assumes ownership of the core ASLSK modules Starter Kit #1 through #4. While Expansion Pack #3 includes counters for German SS, U.S. Marine Raiders, Italians, and Allied Minor units as well as Concealment, it relies upon these core Starter Kit modules to provide additional unit and information counters, in addition to mapboards, providing players with a low-cost method for expanding the scope of Starter Kit scenarios.

ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3 contains:

  • two 8″ x 22″ geomorphic mapboards (map h, map g)
  • one countersheet (252 counters)
  • one four-page Quick Reference Data Card
  • one four-page ASLSK Chapter H Vehicles & Ordnance notes
  • eight new scenarios

Scenario List:

S92 Armageddon Begins, Mokra, Poland, 1 September 1939
S93 Stalin’s Socks, Melechi, Russia, 20 September 1941
S94 March of Destiny, Kiev, Russia, 30 September 1941
S95 Makin Mayhem, Makin Atoll, Gilbert Islands, 17 August 1942
S96 Good, Lucky, or Both, Syracuse, Sicily, 10 July 1943
S97 All I’ve Got Is Prayer, Persano, Italy, 13  September 1943
S98 The Hatefulness of War, Baron-sur-Odon, France, 28 June 1944
S99 Destination, Tinian, The Marianas, 25 July 1944

NOTE: ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3 is not a boxed game; it comes bagged in the same manner as ASL Starter Kit Expansion Packs #1 and #2.

Special Ops #11

Special Ops #11 has six articles, two ASL scenarios and two ASLSK scenarios,  The magazine also features the game Gettysburg.

Featured in-depth articles cover The Third Winter and Strike – Counter Strike. There are also an article  on the upcoming Valley of Tears, a new scenario for The Third Winter, Curt Schilling’s advice for being a better ASL player, and more

Gettysburg is a quick playing game based on the Napoleonic 20 series of games. It includes a 22″ x34″ map, 40 1″ counters, and 72 5/8″ counters.

Special Ops 10 & 11 Combo:

In the off chance you missed out on Special Ops 10, here is your chance to acquire both at a 20% discount.

Advancing Fire: Orsogna

We are expecting a shipping time of October/November for this monster. This will be the same incredible quality as Prokhorovhka! bringing the fight to the Italian mountains and countryside in December of ’43.

260 Counters (Including Fallschirmjagers)

4 Giant Map Sheets

12 Scenarios

3 Campaign Games


Prokhorovka! Reprint Pre-Order:

This is a pilot to gauge the interest in a reprint of this fantastic module. Assume a straight up reprint. There is no release date yet and reprint is solely dependant on Sebi at Advancing Fire reaching a minimum demand. Remember, there is no up-front or surprise charge to you now or ever with our pre-order system (you don’t even enter your CC info). Simply pre-order it now and when and if it gets reprinted, we will send you an invoice at that time which you can complete if you still want the product. Absolutely risk free pre-ordering.

Contest #126

It is the final half turn (French) of the Game. The French player needs 5 CVP to secure the win. In it’s Prep Fire Phase, the French player surprises the German with a hidden AT Gun in hex I11. The following are the DR’s in order including some extras. Use as many as you need to narrate the events starting with the first shot being the (4,4).

(4,4). (5,6). (1,2). (5,4). (1,1). (5,3). (4,1). (2,2).

Describe the procession, outcome and victor.

Email your answer to dr******@tr***.com with the title Contest #126