Post #111 – Tournament Director’s Pack from Advancing Fire. Quick 6 V from Lone Canuck Publishing. Haakka Paalle back in stock. Overlay Pack. ASL Live FB Page.

Hi everyone, it looks like there is a whole lot of new stuff that just arrived. It is rare that a producer releases two titles at just about the same time but that is what seems to have happened both with MMP (Hakkaa Paalle and Overlay Bundle) and LCP (GD3 and Quick6V). To round things off, Sebi from AF has their new scenario pack on the shelves (WITB video to come).

Technical issues here at the Ritterkrieg Chicken’s Coup – WordPress released a new version of their software and while it looks excellent, it disabled my ability to send e-mail notifications so in fixing that problem through a gmail proxy, it proceeded to send out notifications for every unclaimed preorder dating back 5 years. So I want to: a. offer my apologies if you are being reminded that you have an outstanding order for a product that was released in 2017 and b. as silly as it sounds, I will still honor those pre-order prices if you still want to complete the order.

On a final note, please subscribe to this page and to my Youtube channel if you haven’t done so already.

Tournament Director’s Pack from Advancing Fire:

Click on photo for more information or to order


Advancing Fire normally works only on deeply historical games, but this time we are proud to produce a game from an important external developer, that is a unique and very interesting release.

TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR’S PACK (TD’S PACK) is the collection of ASL scenarios designed by Enrico Catanzaro (known in ASL community as ecz)  with an experience of about thirty years as ASL player and Tournament Director of ASL tournaments, as well as wargamer and chess player. His main attention turned in particular to the balance and replayability, while trying to develop interesting and innovative dynamics. The Tournament Director’s Pack features 16 scenarios all using dedicated new rules which are used to decide sides and Victory Conditions at once. We made sure the scenarios were playtested by many different level players, from the best who won many tournaments to the inexperienced ones, and they have shown, with their rules for determining the VCs, to be suitable for all levels, and to have a very high replayability. These scenarios are ideal for use in tournaments or to practice competitive ASL, maintaining a high adherence to the war events they represent.

TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR’S PACK  contains the following:

  • 16 action packed scenarios

Quick 6 V from Lone Canuck:

Click on photo for more information or to order

The fifth instalment of the acclaimed series with 6 More small scenarios that can be played in 2-3 hours.

Just discovering this series? Pick up all 5 Quick 6 scenario packs at a discounted price:

Click on photo for more information or to order

Hakkaa Paalle Back in Stock:

Click on photo for more information or to order

MMP has reprinted the Finnish Module which should be arriving at our store at any moment and then off to you.

  • One 8˝×22˝ Map (52)
  • four Countersheets
  • 17 ASL Scenarios
  • one Chapter H for Finnish Vehicles/Guns and Russian Lend-Lease Vehicle/Guns
  • Rules Supplement, with updates pertinent to Hakkaa Päälle!
  • four chapter Dividers, including a revised National Capabilities Chart with new Finnish squad types, and the OBA Flowchart

Advanced Squad Leader Live on Facebook:

Click on photo for link to this Facebook Group

Volunteers needed to moderate, add ideas and content.

My original plan was to have a group meeting place on Facebook where players interact with live games, discussions, and interviews with people in the hobby. Please let me know if this might be up your alley.