Drop Zone: Ste-Mere Eglise will be shipping towards the end of March as soon as MMP completes it’s pre-orders. I picked up a copy at Winter Offensive and had the opportunity to test drive one of the scenarios with some cows riding shotgun. Lots of fun so far. Will be starting the first of three Campaign Games soon.

Released at Winter Offensive 2023 in Bowie Maryland, the new pack includes 3 scenarios and 2 boards (89 & 90).
Excellent WITB for Journal 13:
Specifically designed for the wargamers, made to lift tall stacks of counters thanks to the wide profile angle. As an added bonus, the claws are wide which distributes the pressure on the contact point of the counter to avoid damaging the sides through repeated grabbing.

MMP 2023 Production Forecast
Here is the MMP Anticipated 2023 Production List as of January 29, 2023:
Advanced Squad Leader
– The Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #14 (2023) has been released;
– The Sainte-Mère-Église HASL is shipping to preorders;
– The Marco Polo Bridge HASL will go on preorder;
– ASL Journal 14 will be released 1st quarter;
– Ponyri HASL will go on preorder;
– Contested Lands module (1948 Arab-Israeli conflict) will go on preorder;
– A reprint of Armies of Oblivion will go on preorder;
– We are working on a reprint of Solitaire ASL;
– Doomed Battalions will go on reprint;
– Twilight of the Reich, a boxed ASL module, will go on preorder.
ASL Starter Kit
– ASLSK Marco Polo Bridge HASL will go on preorder. Ownership of ASLSK4 will be required to play;
– An ASLSK magazine should be released;
– ASLSK Expansion Pack 3 will be released.