What’s new and coming soon to Ritter Krieg

News for the upcoming days and weeks here at Ritter Krieg…

Monthly Raffle – Here is the finished coffee mug  from the good folks at Redheaded t-shirts for our monthly drawing.    To enter into the raffle for the month just subscribe to our blog at the top left of the page.  And remember, anyone who buys something in our store is automatically entered for a whole year of raffles (or until you win a prize).  November’s raffle will the a coffee mug with both sides of the 60mm OBA card on it.  So as you are sipping on your hot cup of tea you can thank God you aren’t in those cold mountains of Greece in the winter time.  Boy, do they look miserable.

60mm 2 cup 60mm cup


AFV Turrets – we are finishing up a deal with Battleschool to get stock of the beautiful Russian/German and US/British turret counters from Countersmith Workshop.

products photo-small Untitled-2


Battle Dice – Good news! we have just about the entire line of Battledice from Battleschool in stock including some 14mm and 12.5mm precision backgammon dice.  Don’t forget that we are offering free shipping as always.  Bad News!  most of the dice are in quantities of one or two, so they may be sold out very soon.IMG_2819 (2)


Woodworking – We have orders for ASL tabletops (3) and Dicetowers (1) that we are working on.  Unfortunately, this puts any future orders into February + for completion.  If I ever get caught up, I will make some inventory for immediate sale to post in the store.  I will post finished photos as they become available.IMG_2812

Sniper, Terrain, and ECO cards-  The results of the poll are in and after weighing all that is involved, we have decided to produce the Sniper cards first.  This is a much more manageable project than the terrain cards and we want to get something out to you by ASLOK XXXI.  Hopefully the first installment of the terrain cards (PTO) will be ready by ASLOK XXXII.


ASL Tournament – Where the Iron Crosses Grow – 2016

The second Annual ‘Where the Iron Crosses Grow’ ASL Team Tournament will be held April 2nd-3rd, 2016.  World renowned as being the best and oldest ASL Team Tournament in the entire Kernersville Area.

Spirit Of The Event:  This event is held for fun.  If you are the type of player that never looks up from the table to make eye contact with your opponent, doesn’t make small talk or tell stories, will only play scenarios that you have mastered, or get’s offended by jokes about Ken’s mom, then you might not have a good time being here and we probably won’t have a good time having you here.  Sorry to be so blunt but we take our lack of seriousness very seriously.

Format:  Team Tournament. Each team is made up of 1 Veteran, 1 intermediate, and 1 Novice player.  Each player plays round-robin games against the other players in their class gaining points for their team.

Location: My house. 918 Maxine St. Kernersville, NC. 27284.

When: Saturday April 2nd – Sunday April 3rd, 2016 (Carnage begins Friday night but the tournament begins Saturday)

Cost: Free (but bring money to pitch in for Pizza)

Accomodations: Ray Woloszyn and I may both have room for travelers to stay with us at our homes (Ray lives in the neighborhood next to mine) unless you are really creepy.

Scenario list: None.  Play something that you would like to play not what I would like you to play.  All scenarios choices are upon mutual agreement of the players.

Prizes: Too many to mention.  Plus some participation awards so everyone feels like a  winner.

Limited Space and Availability:  There are 12 spots total for this event so register early.

Players confirmed.

  1. Derek Ritter
  2. Ulrich Ritter
  3. Tim Brieaddy
  4. Dylan Ritter
  5. Ray Woloszyn
  6. Ken Knott
  7. Jeff Jordan
  8. Hayes Wauford
  9. Jamie Cribbs
  10. Al Griffa
  11. Dave Stephens
  12. Peter Ortega
  13. Mika Harviala

Contact information:

Derek Ritter 336-462-4035 or E-mail

AAR: Cross of Lorraine SP17

January 15, 1945. Hatten, Alsace, Germany.

PG Reg 125, 21st Panzer Division, Hakftracks, 150mm OBA, 8 MGs,  DCs


I set up with my halftracks on the right to swing all around his defenses and into the backfield of the victory area, unload and start gobbling up buildings.  One Panther is to move HD to take on his M10 in the center of the map.  My two PzIV’s will lay down some smoke for my advancing infantry.  My two Flame tanks will try to break the nearest squads while the Smoke gives them a little cover.


Turn 1 sees everything unfold pretty much according to plan.  3 US squads break.  The halftracks don’t get nearly as far as I’d like because of the ground snow. No significant casualties.





Turn 2 and there are some nasty developments including my HD panther taking an APCR turret hit from the US TD, one PzIV knocked out and another immobilized.  Luckily I was able to move a squad adjacent to the TD who stepped outside for the Panzerfaust shot.  Smores at the campfire time.  Then a baby sniper wounds my 10-2 who bleeds out.  The three squads with him have seen enough and break rendering their MMG’s useless for another turn until I can get them motivated to get back into the fight.  On a good note, one of my PzIIIFl roasts a squad and starts a flame in the building while the other breaks a squad and 9-1 leader.  The entire right flank is now defenseless and within reach of my mopping up forces for turn 3.  If I can bag them, it will bring the casualty count to 1 squad and 1 M10  KIA, 3 squads and a 9-1 leader prisoner.  Also of note, his other M10 loads a shell into the breach backwards and malfs the MA.


Battle Dice Update

Today we received very limited quantities of (mostly 2 of each):

Commonwealth pack:



East meets West pack

Battledice East meets West


Axis and Allies Pack

Axis and Allies


US Airborne Set

Battledice US Airborne (3)



16mm ASL30 German
16mm ASL30 Soviet


Precision Backgammon Dice 12.5mm and 14mm multiple colors


Our stocks are dwindling fast on the following items (only one left of each) with no replacements on the horizon:

Panzerknackern (Panzerfaust/ATMM) 16mm

Battledice Panzerknackern



Axes to Grind 12.5mm

Axes to Grind



Guards Armoured/British Airborne 16mm

Red Devils/Guards Armd



Stalingrad 6th Army 16mm

Stalingrad 6th Army
Stalingrad 6th Army


Click here to ORDER any of these or other precision dice



Poll: What Next?

We are currently working on 3 of these projects at the same time.  It would help to know what you are looking most forward to seeing so we can finish up that project first.  Your input is much appreciated.

Which product would you like to be produced first?

View Results

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Thank you to our Veterans

As a thank you to all of you that served our nation to give us what we have today, I am offering a one day 20% off coupon on everything we have in stock.  If you are not a veteran but would like to make a donation to a veterans organization (honor system), please feel free to use the coupon as well.  This coupon will expire at midnight.  Please share this post with your veteran friends.

Thank you for my freedom and a safe place to raise my children.

Coupon code ‘veteran’.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields

Flanders Poppy on the First World War battlefields.

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

New York State ASL Championships (Albany Tournament) only days away

It’s that time of year again, when the best of the best congregate in Albany NY for some of the premiere showdowns in the hobby.  This year’s event will be held from December 4th to the 6th.  Registration is full for the tournament with most of the heavy hitters and famous names on the list.  This will be my first time attending the event and am grateful to have Tim Brieaddy with me for the experience and to share the driving.

Here are some useful links:

Albany ASL Tournament

Scenario List

Registered Players

Thanks to Hong-Kong Wargamer for the awesome video www.hongkongwargamer.com