#45 New Battle Dice Have Arrived. 3 New Hell’s Highway Video AARs. Turrets Back In Stock. New T-Shirt. New Poll.

Battle Dice:

Two new series of ASL precision Battle Dice from Helen and Chris at Battleschool have arrived in limited quantities and they are better than I could have hoped for.

16mm Op Overlord Series Temp 120029th inf The Goodies and…

ss dice…The Baddies!


Operation Overlord Battle Dice Series:

US First Army D-Day Ivy 9thD-Day 1st 29th

D-Day German 7th Army  D-Day 709 91 D-Day 716 352

This ten dice set represents the American and German divisions that faced off on the beaches and boccage of Normandy.  All dice are available separately or discounted as a complete set.

Waffen SS Battle Dice Series:

1st SS 2nd 3rd SS 5th 12th SS 9th 10th SS

This set of eight dice represents the 7 Waffen SS panzer divisions plus a white dice with the SS runes. All dice are available in pairs  or discounted as a complete set.


Hell’s Highway Video #3 & #4:

#3 Hayes Wauford chronicles the Allied set-up and first three turns of action as he attempts to keep the highway at Mariaheide open.

#4 Derek (that’s me!) describes turn’s 4-6 in the first scenario of the Hell’s Highway Campaign Game.

#5 Hayes’ turn 4-6 recap

ASL Turrets:

We have received very limited quantities of both the German/Russian and the US/British turret countersheets.


German/Russian set containing all the turret counters for Beyond Valor OOB




American/British Set containing all of the turret counters for Yanks and For King and Country



Buy both sets and save $5


module b promo a    products photo-small



In an effort to help the whole world look as fashionably savvy as the ASL community (and get as much attention from the ladies), each week we will be featuring a new t-shirt design from the creative workshop of Redheaded t-shirts.  Tim Brieaddy has directed his entire staff (okay, that would be just Tim) to coming up with some fantastic new prints for the hobby.   The link will take you directly to his webpage where you can browse other great ASL and historical t-shirts, patches, bumper stickers and coffee mugs.  I am hoping that he generates enough sales from this program so he can one day buy his own M1 Carbine and give mine back to me.

T-Shirt of the Week:DM-Counter-510x528

Clicking on the t-shirt will take you to the order page on redheadedtshirts.com.  Use coupon code ‘ritterkrieg’ for an additional $3 off your order.  For other great ASL and historical t-shirts please check out Tim’s website for tons of cool stuff.



Weekly ASL Poll:

What is your Favorite LCP Campaign Game?

View Results

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April Spotlight and Special:












We have received a very limited supply of Kampfgruppe Scherer. Possibly the greatest release from LFT including summer and winter maps for the campaign games and scenarios depicting the battle of Cholm.  This module is on sale for $90 (10% off) shipping included.  Don’t forget to combine your order another product to be eligible for an additional 10% off (coupon code ‘10% off’) for all orders over $100.00.

Write up on the module 

The Battle of Kholm (Cholm)

Order Your Copy Here at a special price


Order of Arrival (approximate):

 Lone Canuck Publishing – Ost Front 3 – arrived

Normandy and SS Battle Dice – arrived

Turrets – arrived

Dice Towers – Soon*

Ammo/Map crates – Soon*

Yanks – May/June

Sniper/ELR Cards – late Summer/early Fall

ASL Korea – ???


*Severe asthma during the NC pollen season is making it impossible for me to be around sawdust.  I will be back at it as soon as my lungs permit.  Sorry for the delay.



#44 Starter Kit Page is Up. Hell’s Highway CG Video Update. Kampfgruppe Sherer is Back In Stock.

Hell’s Highway AAR:

Hayes and I are three turns into the first campaign scenario and there is a  lot of action to report.  Please check out our latest short video for the latest updates.  Hayes is working on video AAR’s as well that will be posted here in future updates. Also, please subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel so you can get the latest ASL videos as they get published.  I am hoping to one day break two digits in subscribers.



Starter Kit News:

Starter kit set of 4

-The Starter Kit section of RitterKrieg is now up and running with players, products, articles, and more.  Please take a moment t check it out and don’t forget to send your name and location to dr******@tr***.com if you wish to be included in the player directory.

-Starter Kit moves to the Pacific?!?

SK PacificAccording to MMP, the next Starter Kit Action Pack will take place in the PTO and will include rules for concealment and Banzai charges.  The US Army, USMC, Chinese, Japanese, and British will all be represented.


April Spotlight and Special:












We have received a very limited supply of Kampfgruppe Scherer. Possibly the greatest release from LFT including summer and winter maps for the campaign games and scenarios depicting the battle of Cholm.  This module is on sale for $90 (10% off) shipping included.  Don’t forget to combine your order another product to be eligible for an additional 10% off (coupon code ‘10% off’) for all orders over $100.00.

Write up on the module 

The Battle of Kholm (Cholm)

Order Your Copy Here at a special price


Order of Arrival (approximate):


Lone Canuck Publishing – Ost Front 3 – Arrived

Dice Towers – Soon*

Ammo/Map crates – Soon*

Normandy and SS Battle Dice: Next week

Yanks – May/June

Sniper/ELR Cards – late Summer/early Fall

ASL Korea – ???


*Severe asthma during the NC pollen season is making it impossible for me to be around sawdust.  I will be back at it as soon as my lungs permit.  Sorry for the delay.



#43 Last Call for Dice Pre-Order. Best of March Madness Back in Stock

The new Precision Battle Dice from Battledice are in the mail and should be arriving any day now.  That means that this is the last chance to get them at the pre-order price of 20% off. You can click on any of the images to bring you to the pre-order page.

US First ArmyD-Day 1st 29th D-Day Ivy 9th D-Day German 7th Army D-Day 716 352 D-Day 709 91   1st SS 2nd 3rd SS5th 12th SS9th 10th SS



SK 2Starter Kit:

One of the greatest things for me is seeing how many people are buying the Starter Kits.  Every sale represents someone new entering the world of ASL.  One of three fates awaits each of these  new SK players.  1. Some will stop playing.  2. Some will continue to play as ASL SK is a great game in it’s own right. 3. Some will take the plunge into full ASL.  I think that this website can be a tool for all three groups.  Perhaps if I provide some ASLSK specific resources, I can help move some from group 1 into group 2 and eventually help transition some in group 2 to group 3.  So going forward, I will be adding a section to the page for Starter Kit specific resources. I hope it will help the Starter Kit community.  If you have links, articles, or stories, questions that you wish to share, please post them to the site.  Please look for the page in the coming weeks.




New Post From Jackson at Hong Kong Wargamer
















The Very Best of March Madness Vol. 1 is back in stock in very limited quantities.  Also new to Ritterkrieg is the March Madness Commisar Pack.

March Madness Vol 1commissar pack






AAR from Joe Leoce who attended Nor’Easter XX


Hell’s Highway Campaign Game:Hell's Highway - LCP

Hayes Wauford and I will be starting the Hell’s Highway CG from Lone Canuck Publishing.  I will be posting short videos before and after the scenarios as an After Action Report.  I will be playing as Pz. Brigade 107 and Hayes will be playing as the British/US 101st.


From what I understand, the campaign game plays out as follows:

Two strong German armored units composed of Panthers, Flak halftracks and assault engineers smash into the Dutch town of Mariaheide between Veghel and Uden from opposite ends cutting off the 30 Corps’ advance toward Arnhem.  The US 101st Airborne from the South and British armored units (including Fireflies) from the north try to re-open Hell’s Highway by wresting control back from the bad guys while typhoons (counters come with the pack) hunt German armor from above in this multiple scenario campaign game.



Order of Arrival (approximate):

Complete Lone Canuck line –  arrived

Winter Offensive Pack 2016 arrived

Heat of Battlearrived

Tanks 101 Video released

March Madness arrived

Poland In flames arrived

Journal 11 arrived

Friendly Fire arrived

Le Franc Tireur arrived

FT200 Video – released

Lone Canuck Publishing – Ost Front 3 – Arrived

Dice Towers – Soon

Ammo/Map crates – Soon

Normandy and SS Battle Dice: End of April

Yanks – May/June

Sniper/ELR Cards – late Summer/early Fall

ASL Korea – ???

#42 Starter Kits are Here! – Ost Front 3 is Here! – ‘Where The Iron Crosses Grow’ Team Tournament AAR. -Plus Much More

All three starter kits and the Starter Kit Campaign Game ‘Decision at Elst’ are in stock for the first time ever and all 4 are at a reduced price with free shipping.  Buy the Starter Kit Complete Bundle and save over 20%.

Thumbnail SK 2

SK 3





Scenario pack ‘Ost Front 3’ from Lone Canuck Publishing is ready to ship.

OstFront3Also available is the ‘Ost Front’ trilogy for only $32. That’s more than 20% off with free shipping.

ost front trilogy







7-versatile-choices-10-off-coupon10% Coupon has returned on orders over a $100.  Okay truth be told, free shipping on $12 orders is killing me so I want to offer you an incentive to make it attractive to buy multiple items at once. Simply use coupon code ‘10% off’ at checkout.



AAR: ‘Where the Iron Crosses Grow’ Team Tournament:

Thursday evening and the  Steiners and Stranskys began to roll into the Kuban in search of iron and glory.  We had a total of 15 players divided into 4 teams (huh?).   Men bled and steel burned for 4 days as some of the friendliest ASL’ers in the hobby laughed, ate, drank, and rolled lots of twos and twelves bringing the decibel level to a thundering pitch.  The Blue team took the team championship with a +4 rating lead by undefeated Hayes Wauford.  Special thanks to Ken Knott for allotting so many points to his opponents.  My delicate truce with Ken lasted until dinner Saturday night when some of the nastiest and funniest jabs to date started to flow again.  I think everyone was relieved that we were back at it as the tension was at times too much to take for the spectators waiting for the shoe to drop.


Dave Stephens’ Finns beating up on my valiant Russian liberators (albeit of Finnish lands).

IMG_3032 IMG_3028

Peter Ortega learning the nuances of Bocage in BFP’s ‘Kraut Corner’

IMG_3016Left to right – Tim Brieaddy, Jamie Cribs (counting to five (lucky he didn’t have to count to eleven or this photo would be X rated)), and Big Al Slatzman


Ken Knott and Hayes Wauford. Both with perfect records.


Peter Ortega and Al Griffa.


Al Griffa and Mike Johnston.

IMG_3021 Skobi, our tournament mascot taking another nap.


IMG_3017IMG_3022Fried pickle care of Little Vito’s, deposited on my board.  Very funny guys.


Ken Knott showing a brave face as he stares down 24 SS squads in BFP PIF the ‘Ceramic Factory’.


Somebody (me) apparently hasn’t learned not to stack. One gets a little cocky after generating 3 heroes.

IMG_3031Hayes Wauford with LCP’s Panzer Aces #2.




Ken Knott With LCP’s Schwere Panzer Jager Abt. 653 prize scenario pack.  Ken was unanimously voted MVP by all of his opponents.   “We never could have won those games had we not been playing Ken”.