New Pricing, Triad Area ASL Club, New Poll: ASL ‘How To’ Video, Sniper/ELR Card Update


New Pricing Structure:  I have been trying to find a way to add value to the smaller orders. So starting February 1st, most of our items that we stock will be marked down at least 10%.  So no more need to spend $100 at a time and no more coupon code for the discount.  The 10% will show up in the form of a sale price.  Very few items will be exempt and if I receive positive feedback, I plan on leaving this discount in place permanently.  I still plan on running monthly sales that are in addition to the 10% already marked down price.


The Triad Area ASL Club: We will be firing up the engines after a lengthy hiatus.  The last time we met was before the Albany Tournament so much killing is overdue.  At that rate, this war will never end.  We are also getting ready for our very own ‘Where the Iron Crosses Grow’ tournament which is just about 2 months away.  Most of the spots are filled now but please let me know if you wish to attend and I will try to accommodate.


In an effort to get more SK players to join the ranks of full ASL and more full ASL players to attack some new frontiers, I would like to make some short videos to show examples of rules and rules sections.  Please take part in the survey below and I will do my best to teach some of you something new and give those of you who know the rules better than I do something to correct/add to.

Which rules section would you like to see explained in a video?

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Sniper/ELR Cards:  I am finally caught up on all of my woodworking projects so it is time to finish up the Sniper/ELR cards.   I should have them up on pre-order soon.






One thought on “New Pricing, Triad Area ASL Club, New Poll: ASL ‘How To’ Video, Sniper/ELR Card Update”

  1. As a noob to asl, I’m almost ready to convert to full asl. I saw the posts on the website about getting sk players to full asl with some training videos, and I’m one of those guys who will benefit 100 percent from this type of thing. So, I guess to help you out, what I’m really looking for is help on the “10% of the always used” rules. I feel i can prep the “other 90%” rules I will use sparingly before a match that calls for them.

    I guess what I’m saying is a video series on the new “full asl rules” that I’m going to use in everyday play are what I’d be most interested in. Hope this helps.

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