Rising Sun

MMP has announced the pre-order of Rising Sun. This will put the full OOB of the Japanese, Chinese and USMC into your hands and onto you table. This reprint will also include the map and scenarios for HELL’S CORNER that originally appeared in Operations Special Edition #3.
Rising Sun is Advanced Squad Leader’s long-awaited return to the jungles, islands, and atolls of the southwest Pacific. Multi-Man Publishing has combined the original ASL modules Code of Bushido and Gung Ho! into one monster package. Rising Sun includes the entire Japanese, Chinese, and United States Marine Corps orders of battle; a 2nd edition of Chapter G, which covers the unique rules needed to play ASL in the Pacific Theater of Operations and incorporates all the current errata; and an updated Chapter H for the Japanese and Chinese vehicles and ordnance and for landing craft. Also included are 32 updated scenarios, combining the original Code of Bushido and Gung Ho! scenarios with 16 out-of-print PTO scenarios that originally appeared in the pages of the GENERAL, the ASL Annual, and the ASL Journal. From the ASL Annual ’93b comes the Gavutu-Tanambogo campaign game (Sand and Blood), a new 17˝×22˝ Gavutu-Tanambogo map, and Chapter Z pages. Scenario errata have been incorporated, and new errata have been issued for the older scenarios to reflect the balancing changes made to the updated scenarios. The package is rounded out by seven 8˝×22˝ geomorphic mapboards (boards 34-39 and 47) and dozens of overlays, all updated to match the latest style of boards.
This reprint of Rising Sun will also include the map and five scenarios for the Hell’s Corner HASL which originally appeared in Operations Special Edition #3.
Rising Sun is not a complete game; ownership of the Advanced Squad Leader game system is required to play the scenarios herein.
Rising Sun contains:
-Chapter G; Chapter H for Japanese, Chinese, and Landing Craft; and Chapter Z (Gavutu-Tanambogo Campaign Game)
-1,300 ½” counters and 592 5/8” counters (1,892 total)
-boards 34-39, 47, Gavutu-Tanambogo HASL map, Hell’s Corner HASL map
-overlays 1-5, B1-B5, Be1-7, Ef1-3, G1-5, M1-5, O1-5, OC1-4, OG1-5, P1-5, RP1-5, Wd1-5, X6, X11, X25-X29
-37 ASL scenarios:
Shanghai In Flames
On The Kokoda Trail
The Drive For Taierzhuang
Shoestring Ridge
A Stiff Fight
Bungle In The Jungle
Ramsey’s Charge
The Eastern Gate
Grabbing Gavutu
Hazardous Occupation
Tanambogo Nightmare
Red Star, Red Sun
Take Two
The Bushmasters
Munda Mash
Cibik’s Ridge
The Rock
Orange At Walawbum
Today We Attack
Smith & Weston
KP 167
Broken Bamboo
Jungle Citadel
OP Hill
Sea Of Tranquility
Last Of Their Strength
Hell Or High Water
White Tigers
Bloody Red Beach
Battlin’ Buckeyes
First Matanikau
Bailey’s Demise
Samurai Sunset
Whaling Good Time
The Sand Spit
ASL Player Rating System
Sam Tyson and Doug Rimmer have been working on this great tool to keep up with AREA ratings.
On Deck

MMP – With this week’s announcement of Rising Sun being placed on pre-order, that makes 3 the number of core modules on deck from MMP. For King and Country should be out before Christmas followed by a completely revamped Hollow Legions, bringing the Italians and the Desert arena back into ASL . I expect these two modules to re-kindle the DTO, one of the most underplayed and most enjoyable venues that the game offers (IMHO). Although Hollow Legions is not yet available for pre-order, this may be your last chance to get For King and Country at the incredible low pre-order price of $90, shipping included (US only) from us. MMP is also working on the long awaited eRule Book, eChapter H, as well as an updated Pocket Rulebook.
BFP – High Ground 3 – Sam Tyson has informed me that BFP is currently working on HG3 which will include many (10?) Korean scenarios. Projected release date late 2021.
Le Franc Tireur – Rat Chart v.3 with laminated IFT and TH charts back in stock in very limited quantities.

Lone Canuck Publishing – Quick Six 3 (November, 2020), The Steelworks (January, 2021).

Contest #92
April 1945. Russian SAN=0. ESB Not Allowed. In this contest, you are the German player trying to prevent a Russian victory. It is the Russian MPh and the T-34/85 has already spent 9 MP’s. The Russian wins if they exit the AFV off road A5-A6. What should the German player do to ensure the best chance for victory? Show your work and rough odds (rounded) for victory. Only correct answers will be entered in drawing for prize of $10 coupon to ritterkrieg store.

Jim McLeod’s Essential ASOP
Borrowed from George Kelln’s LCP page, here is a non-overwhelming Advanced Sequence of Play that we should all keep handy.