ASL Journal 12


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ASL JOURNAL 12 is a 40-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features nine articles, the latest Q&A/errata, and 12 new scenarios printed on cardstock. Also included is a corrected scenario card for scenario 181 Gavin Take from the recent YANKS, which was missing its red text and is being replaced here.

JOURNAL 12 includes the following articles:

  • A Dose of Antifreeze wherein Peter Struijf helps guide you through the decision matrix of how to defeat enemy vehicles using bypass “freeze”.
  • ASL Crossfire: AP119 Konev Cross John Slotwinski and Phil Palmer discuss their playing of this Action Pack 12 scenario.
  • Advanced Nuggets Paul Sidhu brings light to some obscure and easily-overlooked rules.
  • “Ghost Killers” by Andy Hershey recounts the history of the Korean Marine Corps, featured in the upcoming Korean War ASL module FORGOTTEN WAR which Andy helped design.
  • Out With The Old… Chas Argent looks at how old counter art from the Avalon Hill days is being updated for new MMP edition core modules.
  • MOSSMOUSE! Paul Sidhu is back and explains how the “Principles of War” as taught by the United States Army can be applied to your ASL play.
  • Single-Hex Fire Groupology Ken Dunn & J.R. Tracy de-mystify the Defensive First/Final Fire options available to units stacked together in the same Location.
  • Debriefing This issue’s errata updates.
  • Scenario Analysis: AP71 Head In The Noose Matt Shostak brings his magic analytical eye to this Action Pack 7 scenario.
  • Recon: Flames in Hatten Chas Argent previews Andrew Rogers’s upcoming HASL on this German-vs-American HASL set during Operation NORDWIND in January 1945.

JOURNAL 12 also includes 12 new ASL scenarios:

  • J182 Belgian Blitzkrieg (German vs Belgian, 27 May 1940)
  • J183 A Real Barn Burner (French vs German, 31 May 1940)
  • J184 Dayan To Meet You (Australian vs Vichy, 8 June 1941)
  • J185 The Haunted Castle (German vs Russian, 22 June 1941)
  • J186 Castles On The Horizon (German vs British, 20 November 1941)
  • J187 In Deadly Combat (Russian vs German, 30 December 1941)
  • J188 Grab And Go (Russian vs German, 20 August 1943)
  • J189 Buckley’s Block (Japanese vs U.S.M.C., 13 January 1944)
  • J190 Trial Run (Canadian vs German, 17 January 1944)
  • J191 Rebels Without A Pause (Slovak vs German, 5 September 1944)
  • J192 Taking Some Flak (Finn vs German, 28 October 1944)
  • J193 Raff’s Rules (American vs German, 24 March 1945)

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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