Protecting your concealment stacks from accidental enemy recon has never been easier. Each kit comes with 57 individual Stack Guards and a sorting case to organize them.
Available in Brown, Black, Green, Blue, and White.
Cost is $24 shipping included for the first set and $20 for each additional set purchased on the same order. The $4 difference will be refunded after the order is placed.
the 5/8″ Guards are 20mm wide with 15mm walls
The 1/2″ Guards are 17mm wide with 15mm walls
You get:
Quantity Stack Size (includes ‘?’)
11 2
7 3
5 4
4 5
4 6
3 7
3 8
2 9
11 2
7 3
This product is my son Lazarus’ first venture into business for himself. Although very small in scope, I hope that he learns a lot from this experience.
Shipping times:
These kits take almost a day each and are being produced one set at a time so it may take a few days to get your order out. We are grateful for your patience.
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