All posts by Derek Ritter

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields

Flanders Poppy on the First World War battlefields.

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

New York State ASL Championships (Albany Tournament) only days away

It’s that time of year again, when the best of the best congregate in Albany NY for some of the premiere showdowns in the hobby.  This year’s event will be held from December 4th to the 6th.  Registration is full for the tournament with most of the heavy hitters and famous names on the list.  This will be my first time attending the event and am grateful to have Tim Brieaddy with me for the experience and to share the driving.

Here are some useful links:

Albany ASL Tournament

Scenario List

Registered Players

Thanks to Hong-Kong Wargamer for the awesome video


ASL Dice back in stock!

I just received order 1 of 2 from Chris at Battleschool.  In his newsletter from yesterday he said that these dice are almost sold out so this is probably my last stock of these designs for a while.  Back in stock are:

ASL turns 30.  We have the Russian set and the German set at $25/pair or $44.00 for all 4 dice.

16mm ASL30 Soviet
16mm ASL30 German 16mm ASL30 German


Also in are the starshell dice, French 16mm, Dust Devils, Commonwealth pack 12.5mm, East meets West pack 12.5mm, and the American Airborne trio.

Battledice US Airborne (3)

To order, click on BatlleDice in the ASL Store drop down menu for these and other great dice.  Don’t forget to apply your 10% coupon to orders over $100 (coupon code: 10%off)

10% Coupon on all orders over $100.00 plus free shipping


Wondering what special gift to get the wife or new born daughter for Christmas this year?  Whether she is asking for OBA cards or Dice, we have that little something special on everyone’s list…And the best part is, she will let you borrow it too! I have just added a 10% coupon for all orders over $100.00  Just enter ‘10%off’ as the coupon code.  This applies to items on sale as well.  And shipping is always free*


*Except for those of you that live on the other side of the pond.

Yanks on pre-order

Yanks Photo courtesy of MMP

I just received an e-mail from Chas Argent of MMP that Yanks was put on pre-order.  I went to the page and sure enough, there it was.  I got in at number 48. Since then (about 20 minutes ago) it has climbed to 167 so order from them soon or you will be at the back of the line.  Here is a link to MMP’s pre-order page.  If you miss out on the pre-order, be sure to pick up a copy from Scott  or ho********@gm***.com“>Alex Key or check my store just in case I have an extra copy.


3D ASL Mapboards

Because I needed even more hobbies to fill my hours of free time, I started making 3D ASL maps a few years ago.  The first map I made actually wasn’t an ASL map but was the TCS map from ‘Hunters from the Sky’.  I was having a terrible time cutting out the foam with an x-acto knife so I tried using craft foam (the stuff that pads our dice towers) and although this was easy to work with, it left a very warped map.  Then, thanks to Tim Brieaddy, I found out about hot wire cutters and so was back to regular Styrofoam sheets for my levels.

My completed maps include:

  • Panzer Blitz: Hill Of Death
  • ASL: Kakazu Ridge
  • ASL: Point of no return (given to Doug Sheppard)
  • ASL: Various scenarios

IMG_1354 Panzer Blitz Hill of Death




first attempt at 3D Kakazu Ridge. Since then, I have learned a lot about seams and finish.

A few day ago, Dan Dolan asked me to make 3D maps of the Dinant CG and Kakazu Ridge.  I will be posting photos and commentary here with the progress as I go.


As a first step, I divide the map file in into sizes that can fit onto 8 1/2 x11 sheets of printer paper.  I should have printed these in  black and white to save toner but I forgot.  Next I trim the edges very carefully so there will be a seamless fit once glued to the  1/2″ particle board.


Here we see the 12 divisions of mapsheet 1 laid out on the particle board.  Prior to gluing the paper to the board, it will be cut down to an exact 36.5″ x 22.5″.  The extra .5 will allow a .25″ overlap on each edge of the side boards for stability. Note that these prints will be covered up by foam and the final laminated higher quality prints of the top layers.


This is a photo of the top layer that will cover the final levels of the 3D map.  These are printed at Staples and then assembled and laminated for protection in case Dan Stanhagen ever plays with his orange Doritos stained fingers.



The east bank of the Meuse


The raised railroad on the West Bank of the Meuse

ASL Terrain Cards: Wet Sand

We are currently working on several projects as follow-ups to our OBA Access Cards.  The cards decks will be available separately and with a lower cost than the OBA deck.  We have not decided which package to release first but we intend to have something ready before ASLOK XXXI.  Please check this page frequently and join our Facebook Group OBA Access Cards for updates.  Please e-mail me to be put on a pre-order list at dr******@tr***.com


In development right now: