Post #109 – Swedish Volunteers Action Pack 15. Starter kit 2 and 3 Back in Stock. Special Ops 10 Magazine Released.

AP 15 – Swedish Volunteers

So to recap the story behind why we are only now receiving Action Pack 15 – Swedish Volunteers, the first print run back in December 2020 ($35 retail) had an issue with not enough countersheets being produced so they were not being offered to the retailers at that time. Now in August 2022 it is back on the shelf albeit for $40. I am still honoring the pre-order price of $31.50 and am offering it to non-preorders at $36 shipping included while current inventory lasts. If you remember pre-ordering this product through Ritterkrieg but did not receive the invoice in the past week, please use coupon code ‘AP15’ to bring the cost back down to $31.50

Swedish Volunteers is MMP’s production of the original Swedish Volunteers scenario pack by Martin Svärd and Erik Leander. Featuring 16 ASL scenarios and the 128 counters representing the Swedish Order of Battle. Also included is Chapter Z notes for the Swedes. In true Swedish fashion none of the pages have words but screwdrivers and allen wrenches are included.

Special Ops #10

Special Ops #10 has ten articles, two ASL scenarios and two ASLSK scenarios,  The magazine also features the game Blitzkrieg to Moscow 2.

Featured articles cover Front Toward Enemy, Iron Curtain (with additional scenarios), Last Blitzkrieg, Panzers Last Stand, and more. There are also a ASL SK article and a couple ASL articles, including a preview of the upcoming HASL covering Marco Polo Bridge.

Blitzkrieg to Moscow 2 , origninally published by Bonsai Games, is a quick playing eastern front game. The game has one map, eight pages of rules, 12 cards, and 60 1″ counters.

Prokhorovka! Back In Stock

Straight off the boat from Italy, this Kursk monster pack is Stateside again in very limited quantities.

Looks like Guns and Tanks are back on the menu boys!!! – Starter Kit 2 & 3 Back in Stock

Out of Stock often but never for too long, the coffers have been refilled. Now in stock for Starter Kit we have absolutely everything other than Decision at Elst for you SK needs, all on sale and all with free shipping (orders over $29).

Starter Kit 1
Starter Kit 2
Starter Kit 3
Starter Kit 4
SK Expansion Pack 1
SK Expansion Pack 2
SK Bonus Pack #2

What have we missed in 2022?

this year has been so prolific with new ASL products it may be hard to keep up with all the new releases. Here is a list of the goodies that have arrived within the last 12 months:

Prokhorovhka! – Seven Historical maps covering the fiery Wagnerian crescendo of Kursk. Hundreds of AFV locked in mortal combat as the bad guys try to steal back the strategic initiative from the other bad guys.

From the Cellar 11 and 12 – 21 new scenarios and 21 must-have articles dissect the art and nuances of how to defend (FTC11) and attack (FTC 12) in ASL, earning you a black belt in humiliating your opponents and winning over the lovely ladies in the audience with your now perfectly honed ASL skills.

Operation Neptune – BFP takes us to the Seine as the British attempt to cross the river against some very stiff German resistance. CG and scenarios.

Hollow LegionsThe complete rework of the original HL. This edition not only includes everything the original had in with up to date graphics but also contains all of the desert components that used to be included in West of Alamein. But if this wasn’t enough, you also get ‘Soldiers of the Negus’ campaign game. A truly huge package. Do not forget to add LFT14 to this for the total Italian/Desert experience.

Sword and Fire: Manila – 6 Maps, 25 scenarios and a whopping 5 Campaign Games to keep you busy into the next century.

Winter Offensive 13 – 4 new scenarios and 3 new Deluxe Boards with MMP donating all proceeds to charity.

Pocket Combo – The much improved Pocket Rulebook along with the brand new Charts and Chapter H available individually or heavily discounted as a set.

Hazardous Movement 2 – Partisan warfare at it’s best. 10 sneaky no-quarter scenarios from behind the front lines.

Hazardous Movement 3 – 10 scenarios linking into a CG set in and around Stalingrad.

Operation Martlet – the first in a three part series of CG’s depicting Operation Epsom (Martlett) in Normandy 1944.

Wacht Am Rhein 2 – Eight brand new Battle of the Bulge scenarios.

Battle for France – 10 early war scenarios depicting the fight for France.

Post #108 – Hazmo Pack 3. LCP’s Battle for France. Raaco Dividers – ASL woodworking update – hallowed ground Tournament – Passing of Friends

Hazardous Movement 3

Chad and Chuck have done it again with 10 more exciting scenarios, this time focusing on Stalingrad and the War in the East. Note that I am also selling all 3 packs together at a substantial discount.

Battle for France – LCP

Lone Canuck has released another scenario pack. This one dedicated to France 1940. You will notice that this pack is bigger than most Lone Canuck releases with 10 scenarios instead of the customary 6. Please click on the photo to see all the details on the scenarios.

Sub Dividers for RAACO A75:

Although there are many different ways to store your counters ranging from Bob’s coffee can to 3D printed solutions along with everything in between, I am personally a fan of the Raaco handyboxes. Professional and easy to transport, they are easily customizable by selecting inserts that fit your specific needs.

While sorting the counters for the new SCS title ‘North Africa’, I realized that I could sub divide the sub divisions with the addition of a small insert into the individual divider compartments. Hence a Divider that used to hold a maximum of 128 slots (using 16 A78 trays) could now comfortably hold 240 slots (using 16 A75 trays with subdividers). This not only makes it more compact to store and transport, but also cuts the cost by almost half.

I am posting these dividers for sale in packs of 5 pcs. for $2.50 ($0.50 each) but please contact me if you want me to send you the file to print yourself.

Hallowed Ground ASL Tournament 2022

John and Christina

Last year when I drove up to Gettysburg for John Dober’s annual tournament, I knew that he was quite ill but none of us believed that we wouldn’t get to see him again. John and Christina opened up their home, as they do every year for 4 days every July for their friends to laugh, chat, drink, smoke and of course play some ASL. Only beyond belief to those that don’t know the heart and love that is Christina, we returned again this year at her invitation to carry on the tradition and pay tribute to John. I drove up early Saturday morning to find a house full of over 40 friends celebrating John’s life expressed in tales from our wonderful memories shared. Seldom do you find someone in your life who becomes an instant close friend the first time you meet. John will always be that to all that knew him. I am grateful to Christina, Ken, Dave, Ed, and everyone else involved for making this happen. Through this, John’s legacy truly lives on. What kinder gift can one hope to leave behind.

Passing of ASL’ers Gary Trezza and Pat Flory. I know they will both be missed dearly by all that knew them.

Gary Trezza – Co- TD of the Albany Tournament.

Pat Flory – Owner of The Citadel Game store.

ASL Woodworking Shop:

It has been a few years now since I shut the shop down due to sawdust induced severe Asthma attacks. I may have found a solution with a new dedicated workshop with proper dust collection so hopefully I will be churning out ASL tables, dice towers, and Map Ammo Boxes within the year. Stay tuned.


Post #107 – Sword and Fire Manila. Overlay Bundle. From the Cellar 12 Presale. Battledice Restock. Free Shipping Update. Heat of Battle inventory found. Overlay Bundle Pre-Order.

Sword & Fire Manila:

MMP has taken this off of pre-order. We are leaving the price artificially low for another week of so, so this may be the Last chance top pre-order at huge savings

ASL Overlay Bundle Pre-Order

The Advanced Squad Leader Overlay Bundle contains a re-printing of every overlay (on 34 cardstock sheets) issued by Avalon Hill or MMP except:

  • Overlays from MMP’s Red Factories
  • Deluxe overlays (available in MMP’s Deluxe ASL)
  • Gavutu-Tanambogo overlays from Avalon Hill’s ASL Annual 93b (re-released as a paper map in MMP’s Rising Sun)
  • Overlay E1 (escarpment) from Avalon Hill’s West of Alamein (re-released as board 25e in MMP’s Hollow Legions 3rd Ed.)

From the Cellar 12:

Bob’s counter storage system featured on the cover artwork

Le Franc Tireur’s newest publication is just about t the printer. It is the sister ship to From The Cellar 11 which focused on defending in ASL. This newest publication does the same except with articles on attacking is ASL. Loaded with 36 pages and 11 scenarios. I am also offering this pack at a discount with FTC11 and some other LFT package deals. If you include this product in an order with other items that are in stock, we will ship what we have now and ship FTC12 separately when it arrives.

Note: This is a pre-sale item. We expect to start shipping in Late June.

Please click the link to see a full description of the product!

Heat of Battle, Long Out of Print Inventory Found:

Well guess who found some old inventory??? Me, that’s who. Included is Recon By Fire 2-4, Waffen SS Update Pack, and Firefights 2. They are all on sale and needless to say, when they are gone…

Recon By Fire 2

44 pages of articles including the excellent article on breaching an enemy defense. . Deluxe map BF2. 10 scenarios.

Recon by Fire: Issue 2 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

Recon By Fire 3

60 Pages of articles centered around the Axis Minors and 20 scenarios.

Recon By Fire 3 – Heat of Battle | HomePage

Recon By Fire 4

Captured vehicles used in the German armed forces. 44-page magazine, including 14 scenarios as pages in the magazine; countersheet with 176 diecut 5/8″ counters; 1 unmounted DASL Map (BF1); 1 sheet of DASL-size rubble overlays; 1 APC Player Aid (a fixed version of the one that originally appeared in RbF#2). NB. This comes with the original countersheet that was die cut upside down (ie. the front artwork is on the concave side and the back is on the convex side).

Welcome to

Firefights 2

6 scenarios, each with it’s own map

Waffen SS Update Pack

14 scenarios that combine the SS I and SS II packs. Note that unlike the original 2 packs, these contain no counters. : HOB: Waffen SS Update Kit ASL Scenario Kit : Bike Tool Kits :  Sports & Outdoors

Precision Battle Dice:

Battledice US Airborne Precision Dice

Our large order from Battleschool of precision dice has arrived. After speaking with Helen and Chris, they have warned me that prices are going up drastically at the manufacturer so this may be the last chance to get some of these dice at these prices. The 16mm themed dice are still hovering around $12.50/die but the 12.5mm dice have already seen an increase to almost double what they were.

ASL Bttledice dice 16mm Japanese

Shipping Cost Update:

Free Shipping Update –

Yes, we are still offering Free Shipping in the United States but there are some changes. The post office has dramatically increased their fees over the last 2 years and we have been absorbing the difference but the small orders (one $8 die, or a $12 scenario pack) are no longer sustainable (we are losing around $4 per order even before paying Hailey to lovingly package and drive your order to the Post Office). As a solution, we are keeping the free shipping on orders over $29.95. For orders under that amount, we are charging a nominal fee of $4 shipping so we can break even. This $4 fee will not apply to most orders as ASL gear is seldom under $30 so make sure you click the FREE SHIPPING at checkout. Also note that I have added in other shipping options like Priority Mail in case you want the order expedited with insurance. I really appreciate your understanding as I try to find ways to bring you the stuff you love at the lowest possible cost. Derek.

Post #106 – Wacht Am Rhein Vol.2. – MMP’s Pocket Combo. Fight for Seoul Restock. Iron Crosses 2022 recap. Free Shipping Update

Free Shipping Update

Yes, we are still offering Free Shipping in the United States but there are some changes. The post office has dramatically increased their fees over the last 2 years and we have been absorbing the difference but the small orders (one die, or a $12 scenario pack) are no longer sustainable (we are losing around $4 per order even before paying Hailey). As a solution, we are keeping the free shipping on orders over $29.95. For orders under that amount, we are charging a nominal fee of $4 shipping so we can break even. This $4 fee will not apply to most orders as ASL gear is seldom under $30 so make sure you click the FREE SHIPPING at checkout. Also note that I have added in other shipping options like Priority Mail in case you want the order expedited with insurance. I really appreciate your understanding as I try to find ways to bring you the stuff you love at the lowest possible cost. Derek.

LCP Wacht Am Rhein Volume 2

Lone Canuck Publishing has released volume 2 of their much acclaimed Wacht Am Rhein scenario pack. We should be shipping out within the week as our order is already in with George. Please consider picking up volume 1 at the same time and cash in on the discounted price.

Volume 1 and 2 at a discounted price.
ASL Pocket Bundle

MMP – Pocket combo released.

Pocket Combo: The Pocket Combo includes three items: The Updated Pocket Rulebook, The brand new Pocket Chapter H, and MMP’s first attempt at Pocket Charts. We are selling these three items together for $101, shipping included (a $9 savings).

ASL Pocket Rulebook v2

Pocket Rulebook v2: The PRB always contained Chapters A-G but the newest version of the pocket rulebook has three obvious improvements. First, it includes Chapter K, the ASL tutorial boot camp. Next it has Chapter W with all the Forgotten War, Korea rules. Finally it is printed on much thicker paper. Of course it also includes all errata and updates regarding the new Hollow Legions. The price is great compared to the more expensive binder which doesn’t come with Chapters E (Yanks), F (Hollow Legions), G (Rising Sun), K (Paratrooper), or W (FW,K). Full retail is $50.

ASL Pocket Chapter H

Chapte H: I first saw the prototype of the new Chapter H at ASLOK in 2021 and wondered where have you been my whole life. I will be honest and say that since the Pocket Rulebook was released, I haven’t touched my Rules binder a single time. Between the PRB and the LFT Rat Charts, there is no reason to. Now MMP has done the same for Chapter H. All vehicle and ordinance notes in one compact bound travel book. It has the updates for all nationalities including the new Italian stuff release in HL. Full retail is $40.

Pocket Charts: I was very anxious to see what MMP’s first attempt at pocket charts would be. I was surprised to see that some of the lessons learned from the Rat Charts were not used on this product. LFT made 4 separate version of charts (1, 2, 2+, 3), improving and innovating each time so it may take a minute for MMP’s charts to learn these lessons. I have made a comparison of LFT Rat Pocket Charts with the MMP Pocket Charts. Keep in mind that these are my opinions based on what is important to me. Full retail including shipping $23

MMP’s Pocket Charts to LFT’s Rat Pocket Charts v3.

The good: The chapter F and G charts have slightly more material than the Rat Charts. The Pocket Charts are also about half the price of the RPC. The ASOP is included, and the font is bigger for our old eyes.

The not so Good: The paper is very thin and I am worried that it will wear out quickly. There are no tabs so you are constantly flipping through all the pages trying to find the right chart (this compounds the thin paper problem). There is a redundancy of charts where the IFT/IIFT and the TH/TK charts are included twice. The front page is a title page with no charts. Seems like they could have put a full size IFT on the front cover especially considering that the front and back are the only pages made with cardstock. I am not fond of the large footprint of the charts but this may be the price to pay for the larger font.

Conclusion: The MMP pocket charts would be a great starting point in the ASL world but it seems to have missed the opportunity to avoid the teething problems that LFT already corrected. Other than the substantial difference in price and the inclusion of the ASOP, I don’t think the Pocket Charts will replace my Rat Charts until an improved 2nd edition appears on the scene. Still a good, useful, and inexpensive addition to pair with the PRB.

Links to both products:

MMP Pocket Charts

Rat Pocket Charts v.3

Fight For SeoulLFT

After being out of stock for the better part of a year, Le Franc Tireur’s highly acclaimed Fight For Seoul is finally back in stock, albeit in very limited quantities. This past weekend I had the incredible opportunity to not only play my first game ever using the Communist Chinese but the privilege of playing against Andy Hershey, the prolific designer of both the Seoul module and one of the original designers of Forgotten War, Korea. It was an incredible experience as Andy walked me through the many nuances of the Chicoms. They stripe like the Japanese, use something similar to platoon movement for Infantry movement, possess true grenadiers (rifleless grenade throwers), along with a host of other unique features. Now I can’t wait to get Seoul on the table.

The Fight for Seoul - Le Franc Tireur

Where the Iron Crosses Grow Team Tournament 2022

After a two year pause (Covid 19) ,Tim Brieaddy and I are back with the resumption of the greatest team tournament in the history of Kernersville, NC. I starterd out by making a huge mistake and setting the date as March 31st-April 3rd without realizing that this falls on the same weekend as the High Point furniture market. This little error meant that hotel rooms, if you could find one, were hovering around $250/night. So Tim, Ray, and myself decided to put up everyone that needed a place to stay at our houses.

This year we had 21 on the roster but thanks to some faulty intel provided by me, Ken Smith (ASL Artist), Ken Knott (Fearless Italian Squad Leader on the box art of new Hollow Legions) and Danny Stanhagen were unable to attend. This left us with 18 players on 6 teams. As alway, I was only a spoiler for anyone who wasn’t matched up with an opponent.

Dog tags: I have gotten a few queries about the dog tags. When you lose a game you must forfeit a dog tag as a momento to your opponent as a keepsake.

After picking up Sam Tyson (BFP fame and fortune) at the airport and stopping for a Burger and a Beer at Hops, we headed to my house to settle in and play a warm up match. James lancaster and Ray Wolloszyn showed up a few minutes later and began their own carnage. Tim came by after work to check out the scene. By Thursday we included to the ranks Keith Spurlock, Mika Harviala, Tom Kearney, Bill Ryder, and Tim Deane. Friday and Saturday saw the arrival of Andy Hershey (Designer), Dave Johannsen, Jeff Jordan, Dave Stephens, Chas Smith (BFP), Jon Plot and Will Allred. Missing was Xavier Vitry (LFT) who’s flight got cancelled. My apologies for those who I did not get a photo of.

No description available.
Amy Jo’s cups and Tim’s Dog Tags

Each team had a compliment of 3 players sub divided into expert, intermediate, and novice. Each team member plays round robin against like ranked players from other teams, propelling their team into death or glory. Events included playtesting for the new BFP module, Pizza, Brugers, Sam’s famous breakfast tacos, Dave’ incredible Brunswick Stew, a full keg of beer and some tennessee Bourbon (thanks to Keith). In total 40 + game were played with the following results.

1st place overall – Mika Harviala (5-1)

1st Place Team – Texas – Sam, Tim B., Will (+5)

Most tank Kills – Tim Brieaddy

Sniper Ace – Mika Harviala

Captain Stransky Award – Ray Woloszyn

Sponsors and supporters:

No description available.
Mika brings home the gold

Key’s Games and Hobbies – a huge thank you to Alex Key for a ridiculous amount of loot including gift certificates, and US armed Forces patches with unit histories as giveaway. I am grateful to Alex for his generosity.

No description available.
110 Pints of golden Lager on tap.

Ritterkrieg and Le Franc Tireur – scenario packs and Battledice for the raffle – Plaques and dog tags

AmyJo – Where the Iron Crosses Grow personalized cups that she made with her with her Cricket

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Best damn tacos both sides of the Rio Grande

Sam Tyson – Breakfast Tacos

Ray Woloszyn – Lodging for overflow of guests

No description available.
Left to Right – Chas Smith, Robert Duvall, Ray Woloszyn, Sam Tyson, Will Allred, Tim Deane

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Two US Marines fight it out on the beaches of Tarawa.
I expected there would be a fist fight when it came to choosing sides.
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Ray Wolloszyn and Will Allred in a candy store deciding
where to deposit their raffle tickets.
No description available.
Dave Johannsen and Keith Spurlock getting ready to go for a swim
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Keith Spurlock in the relative tranquility of the upstairs den.
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Ray Woloszyn resorting to using the Force to change the bad luck of his dice
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Dave and Tim Deane

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Sam and Ray just before Ray ignites Sam’s truck bomb with snake eyes and blows himself to smithereens
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Final score board
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Left to right – Jon Plott, Tim Brieaddy, Derek Ritter, Chas Smith’s ADIDAS, Jeff Jordan. Playing Space Base as the weekend unwinds.
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One of my besties Jeff Jordan setting up for a win against my Italians
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Tim Brieaddy (left) ponders how to steal the title from 2019 champ Tom Kearney (right).
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Jon Plott and Bill Ryder, The Starter Kit Connection. Both took a dip in the full ASL pool this weekend.

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James Lancaster going down to Tim B’s Russians
No description available.
Mr. Nameless having of swig of Rickman’s best.
No description available.
Sam, Dave, Derek, and someone else 😉 playing U-Boot. I’m not going to point fingers but the Captain was a madman, haha.
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Sam and I playing Space Base at the local watering hole

Shipping Update 2-17-2022

I wanted to send out an update on the status of our inventory and your orders.

First I’d like to say thank you for your patience. Never before have I seen such a perfect storm of new product mixed with the Gods of the supply chain sabotaging our every effort ay efficiency and speed.

We had no fewer than 9 new ASL products (Prokhorovka, Operation Martlet, Operation Neptune, Hollow Legions, From the Cellar 11, MMP Pocket Charts, Pocket Rulebook, Pocket Chapter H, and Winter Offensive 13) hit the market within days of each other. To add to the confusion, Paypal just outsourced their shipping service to ShipStation which does not allow orders over 30 days to be printed so over 200 orders had to be entered manually. Uline is backordered on shipping boxes, the Prokhorovka replacement empty boxes (to replace the crushed units of the first shipment) were held at the UPS hub in Cologne for 27 days, Christina left (thank God Hailey came back), and we went 5 weeks at Ritterkrieg without full staff due to injury or sickness.

The great news is that the last 60 orders should be out the door by the weekend.

Here is a the status of our new items:

Prokhorovka! – Back in Stock as of yesterday

FTC11 – In Stock

Operation Martlet – In Stock

Operation Neptune – In Stock

Hollow Legions – In Stock

Winter Offensive 13 – In Stock

Pocket Rulebook – In Stock

Pocket Chapter H – arriving any moment

Pocket Charts – Arriving any moment

Post #105 – Pocket Rulebook, Pocket Chapter H, Pocket Charts. Winter Offensive 13. From the Cellar 11 WITB. Shipping updates.

So much news and products coming in at unprecedented levels.

MMP has just released the version 2 Pocket Rulebook. At the same time and in the same format, they have also released for the first time a Pocket Chapter H and their very own Pocket Charts. Also, fresh from the printers is Winter Offensive 13 (2022) scenario and Geo board pack. Hollow Legions is finally shipping to retailers so we should have those out to you starting this week. The Version 2 Electronic Rulebook is ready for download too.

Le Franc Tireur’s From the Cellar 11 is shipping and Prokhorovka! is waiting on a few replacement boxes to complete those orders.

Pocket Rulebook V2

Printed on thicker paper, The Pocket Edition contains core Chapters A-G, J, K, & W and the full Index. All errata is now incorporated, including the new Chapter A pages and revised Chapter F from Hollow Legions. The Pocket Edition also sports a handy IFT chart on the back cover. 

Pocket Chapter H

 Pocket Chapter H that for the first time collects all the ASL vehicles and ordnance for all the nationalities in one place. Following in the footsteps of the innovative Pocket Edition Rulebook, Pocket Chapter H has all the Chapter H pages from all the modules: German, Russian, American, British, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, French, Allied Minor, Axis Minor, Finnish, and all the participants in the Korean War, as well as the Design Your Own rules. 

Pocket Charts

Pocket Charts booklet that collects all the ASL charts in a reduced-size, spiral-bound format.

Winter Offensive 13 (2022)

ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #13 (2022) features four new scenario designs by Pete Shelling and three new Deluxe boards (m/n/o)

From the Cellar 11 –

What’s in the Box

Hollow Legions Shipping to Retailers:

After about a 3 month wait, Vicky at MMP has finally confirmed that they are shipping to the retailers. We are pre-packaging the boxes with shipping labels in anticipation of the order coming in so there will be no delays on our end. Thank you for your unending patience.

Prokhorovka! update

The last shipments of Prokhorovka should be ready to ship next week. There was a 2 week delay in Cologne with the last shipment. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

John Dober Memorial Fund

No photo description available.

As most of you know, our friend John Dober left us last month. Left behind is his lovely wife Christina who is still trying to navigate the turbulent financial waters that come with the unexpected loss of a spouse. Please consider a donation through the link below, set up by their loved ones (do not send me any money).

Post #104 – Prokhorovka – From the Cellar 11 – Hollow Legions –

So much great news to talk about but I have to start with some devastating news to the ASL community. After a stiff fight with medical issues for the past year, John Dober III passed quietly surrounded by friends and family on January 8th. More on John below.

Prokhorovka! has arrived and is all and so much more than I expected.

From the Cellar 11 should be here within a few weeks so we are taking orders now. Included for free will be one replacement countersheet for ‘The Green Hell of Inor’ .

Hollow Legions is still being shipped by MMP to pre-orders. We still don’t have an exact date when they will ship to us retailers but I can’t imagine it will be much longer.

Le Franc Tireur From the Cellar 11 is finishing up at the printer as I write this. Included are 10 scenarios and articles on how to defend in ASL. Also included at no charge is the replacement countersheet for The Green Hell of Inor. These are small meat and potatoes ETO scenarios that test your defensive prowess.

John Dober III

John and Christina Dober

John’s Obituary Link

On January 8th, John Dober III left this world surrounded by friends and family.

John and I met at ASLOK many years ago and became instant old friends. We would sometimes seclude ourselves in Cleveland playing as many as eight scenarios in 72 hours. I will miss you my friend.

John, you will be missed by all who knew you. If there is an afterlife, I don’t doubt that you are sitting at a table with Darryl Wright drinking, laughing, and cursing the 11’s you roll (I hear there are no Boxcars in heaven).

John and and his lovely wife Christina graciously opened their home every year for the Hallowed Ground ASL Tournament. With a lot of help from friends like Ed Akehurst, Christina plans to continue the tradition in John’s honor.

From The Cellar 11


Arrived safely and shipping

We received our order of Prokhorovka! and have finished shipping pre-orders. We have a few extra copies due to some duplicate orders so if you would like a copy, this is the time.

Prokhorovka! Review:

Let me start by saying that one week later I am still absorbing the magnitude of this product. The component quality has been completely upgraded since the release of Brevity Assault with thicker maps and pages and countersheet die cutting in line with MMP.

8 Mapsheets:

The 8 (Yes 8!!!) map sheets are standard full thickness of MMP/LFT/LCP. 5 of them link together for one giant map for the July 12th inferno when the 5th Guards Army was released.

4 Countersheets:

some counters. Note the female Sniper!

The countersheets are die cut to the standards of MMP with original full color artwork.

14 Scenarios:

The paper is semi-gloss and full weight. The scenarios are mostly very large (Up to 20 turns with as many as 189 AFV facing off against each other in one of the largest tank battles represented in ASL. Of note are 2 Starter Kit scenarios, 2 Night scenarios, and 1 CG.

32 Pages of Rules:

Well written on regular weight glossy paper.

Operation Neptune Shipping!

Shipping starts this week.

Hollow Legions Update:

Our order is in and the good folks at MMP still believe it will be a few weeks before the retailers will be getting our orders filled.

Let’s welcome the British and Italians to the Stack Guard family

just in time for your desert escapades with the new HL module

ASL in an Hour – First Cristot with Tim Brieaddy

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel for more action packed – edge of your seat – non-stop adrenaline filled videos.

Post #103 – Hollow LEGIONS – Operation martlet – Kampfgruppe Scheer –

ASL News:

Operation Martlet:

Lone Canuck Publishing has announced Operation Martlet will be shipping the first week of December. I am hoping to have a pre-shipment so we can ship at the same time. Operation martlet deals with the furious Normandy fighting covered in GMT’s fabulous game ‘Operation Dauntless’ that I have previously written about on this site. This is a campaign game similar in scope and size as LCP’s other manageable titles like Purple Heart Draw, Hell’s Highway, Bloody Buron, etc. Speaking of Hell’s Highway, George tells me that he is working on a 2nd edition of the module which explains why it is still sold out. Hopefully we will have that in hand by spring.

What’s in the Box…

Yanks Pre-Order

MMP has announced that Yanks 2nd edition is on pre-order. This is the exact same edition and contents as the 2016 printing. Hopefully this core module will jump to the front of the long line of products that are in queue for the printer.

Hollow Legions – At the printer

Chas Argent has announced that Hollow Legions is at the printer. As usual MMP is tight lipped about release dates so we can only guestimate that we will have it in hand either Monday or by the end of the year. This is a huge package with an equally large price tag so don’t let the pre-order discount escape you. This will not only be the Italian OOB but also include all the desert goodies that were originally included in West of Alamein plus Soldiers of the Negus CG. What does this mean to you? It means that hopefully we will be delivering late 2021. This is the last chance to pre-order with 25% savings with free shipping and no obligation. As soon as MMP takes this off of pre-order status we will be sending out invoices which you can pay right away or wait until we are ready to ship but the pre-order pricing will be gone.

Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm & KG Scherer Player’s Guide back in stock in very limited quantities.

Xavier Vitry, Kaleun of Le Franc Tireur has discovered a tiny stash of Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield Of Cholm. I will be offering these as a package with the KGS Player’s Guide. They should be arriving some time this week or next from across the pond.

What’s in the Box…

Prokhorovka Pre Order

Advancing Fire Prokhorovka Update: Sebi has informed me that he is planning on getting the module shipped to me by December 10th. I will be taking it off of pre-order and sending out invoices in the last week of November. Once again, I am not ordering more than needed to fulfill the pre-orders so please order one now if you want it.

Two new players to Starter Kit. In casual conversation with a member of my beer league hockey team and talking to a neighbor at our annual block party, I have started both on the road to obsession, bankruptcy and divorce by gifting them each a copy of ASLSK1. Although not Earth shattering news in itself, it is an example of how easy it can be to find new players to introduce to the hobby with minimal effort. If you talk about ASL, they will come (Ray Kinsella, 1989). Please expect to see Garrett Holten and Bill Ryder on the ASL FB pages and at conventions in the near future.

Green Hell of Inor Countersheet Update

Le Franc Tireur is currently finishing up From the Cellar 11. This should be extremely popular with articles based around setting up a proper defense in ASL. Also included at no extra charge will be a reprint of the countersheets found in Green Hell of Inor.

Post #102 – Rising Sun & Action Pack 17 Shipping. HAZMO Pack 2. Quick Six 4. Last Call for Prokhorovka Pre-order. Inor and Rat Pocket Charts almost sold out.

Rising Sun – On Sale, In Stock and Shipping Now!

Hot off the presses, MMP’s Module covering the fighting between the Japanese, Chinese, USMC, and everything in between is back in stock. This newest edition also contains the Hell’s Corner Campaign Game.

What changes are in the 2021 version? The addition of ‘Hell’s Corner’ map and 5 scenarios.

Hell’s Corner is an ASL historical study released as an insert in Operations Special Magazine #3. It covers the battles that occured along the Matanikau River on Guadalcanal from August to October 1942.

Action Pack 17 – MMP – Shipping!

With an emphasis on Korean and Japanese scenarios, you can give your German and Russian counters a much deserved R & R.

This Action Pack is huge containing 2 Geomorphic Mapboards and 16 scenarios. All but three of the scenarios take during the Korean War so along with LFT’s From The Cellar 10, this theatre is finally getting some much needed love.

Hazardous Movement Pack 2

Hazardous Movement Scenario Pack 2: The Un-Civil Wars thematizes three very consequential civil conflicts that took place immediately before and after the Second World War: in Spain (1936-1939), Greece (1944-1949) and China (where civil war resumed in 1945 and ended in 1949). The pack consists of 10 exciting, innovative scenarios spanning these years. Civil wars, ironically, are very bitter affairs, a fact that is reflected in the combination of No Quarter, Hand-to-Hand Close Combat and Political Commissars (for the Communists) that makes for particularly violent scenarios, even by ASL standards . . .

Hazardous Movement Package Deal:

Quick 6 IV – New Release.

Also Package deal for all 4 Quick 6 packs.

George at Lone Canuck Publishing has released the fourth installment in the Q6 series. It should be in hand within the next couple of weeks so we are taking orders now. Each of the Quick 6 packs contains 6 short scenarios that can be played in 2-3 hours.

Quick 6 Package Deal

Last Call for Prokhorovka!

We are in the final moments before locking in our total one time(?) order

for Prokhorovka and Biazza Ridge campaign games. As with Brevity Assault, I expect this to be Out Of Print in a flash. Because of the extremely high cost of shipping from Europe, I am only ordering a few extra copies over the pre-ordered numbers. You can still pre-order here…

Green Hell Of Inor – Almost Gone…

Here are some updates on Green Hell of Inor:

There are less than 100 copies left for distribution and retail sales.

There is a planned reprint of the countersheets to correct some very minor imperfections in the die cut. Stay tuned for updates.

I had a chance to play three of the scenarios and every one went down to the last turn if not the last PTC. A lot of fun without too many SSR bogging you down.

Rat Pocket Charts 3.0 Almost Gone

We still have about a dozen of each of the unlaminated and the IFT laminated versions. The TH chart laminated version are already sold out.

Back In Stock:

Starter Kit 4

Contest #102

Coming Soon…

Solution to contest #101

Thanks to the excellent training and cat like reflexes of Sgt. Drake’s loader, he has earned the coveted White ROF Award.

Per C3.8, and vehicle with a white box ROF score multiple hits if doubles are rolled.

So the firefight was actually one sided and went as follows


Sherman shoots at PzIV. Base 10 TH. DRM = + 3 (+1 hinderance, +2 Case J, +1 Case I, -1 Sgt. Drake’s most excellent Leadership).

TH roll of 3,3 is multiple hits in the hull.

1st TK roll 6,4 bounces

2nd TK roll 1,2 penetrates and destroys target.

German CS roll of 6,6 kills crew.

Americans add 6VP to the total for the win.

Post 101 – The Green Hell of Inor is shipping. What’s in the Box Videos for Inor and Starter kit Expansion pack 2. Contest #101.

Green Hell of Inor – What’s In The Box Video

ASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

What’s in the Box

Contest #101 – Drake’s Fury!

France July, 1944. US DFPh of the last player (German) turn of the Game. The PzIV has just moved to F7 during the MPh. The VC are: In order to win a player must have accumulated >4 more CVP than their opponent at Game End. Any other result is a Draw. The US player so far has 39 VP and the German has 38 CVP. Both players plan to fire at each other using AP ammo in the DFPh/AFPh (if still able to).

The DR log for the rest of the game are (note that I may have added in some extra DR’s. Use only what is necessary):

3,3. 6,4. 1,2. 6,6. 2,3. 1,4. 5,3.

Did Sgt. Drake carry the day or die in his Sherman? Or maybe both sides retired from the battlefield licking their wounds.

Please send your solution to Dr******@tr***.com

Solution to contest #100

Congratulations to Mark Drake as the winner of contest 100. So let’s unpack this one. The US player must control 2 buildings that are unreachable but both are too far to reach without the help of leaders, of which he only has one. So his only chance for victory is to create a new leader in the Rally Phase. In order to Voluntarily Break there needs to be a Known Enemy Unit in LOS so DO NOT blow up the StuG! In this rare case the StuG is your friend. The Bazookas were added into the equation to throw you off track.

GT6 – DFPh – Do Nothing

GT6 – RtPh – Voluntarily Break 2 HS and rout both without the Leader to P14 or R14

UST6 – RPh – Attempt to Self Rally both (HIF CG12) Broken HS hoping for a 2. If a 2 is rolled on either Self Rally attempt, a leader is created per A18.1. If a Leader is not created, it is no longer possible to win so now in a final attempt to salvage your shattered ego you can take a parting shot at his StuG with the 9-1, non-Broken HS and Bazooka.

UST6 – MPh – Using Bypass, CX & Move new Leader with the Rallied HS Adjacent to one of the VC buildings and CX and Move the 9-1 Leader and HS Adjacent to the other Victory Building.

UST6 – APh – Advance into both Building for the Win and go to Gamesquad to find a new opponent because the German player will never play against you again.

Hatten In Flames Rubble Printable Sheet:

One of the features of Hatten In Flames Campaign Game is the Rubble generation between scenarios. If you care to de-clutter the map, here are some overlays that should fit nicely.

Make sure you click ‘Actual Size’ and not ‘Adjust image to Paper’ when printing and the size of the Rubble should be exactly 1.1″ high.

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