
SKU: LSSAH 4 - LCP Category:



This eight-scenario pack is compatible with MMP’s ASL™ System and 

modifiable to be used with other miniature Wargaming systems. 

Leibstandarte Pack #4 uses ASL boards (3,15,16,26,27,28,29,31,40,41,48)

5 July 1943… Operation Citadel and the Battle of Kursk had begun. SS-Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler supported by the Tiger-Kompanie and Sturmgeschutz Abteilung Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, moved forward toward the day’s objective, the village of Bykovka. It was their job to clear a string of small towns along the Vorskla River of enemy forces and prevent the Soviets from outflanking them from the west bank of the Vorskla. Moving northward, the first Soviet defensive position of Hill 220.5 was soon encountered. This strongpoint was riddled with mines, covered with barbed wire, and dotted with well-fortified bunkers and trench systems. This Soviet field position had been developed into an elaborate deeply echelon and widely ramified fortification system. The crack 52nd Guards Rifle Division occupied the trenches and earth bunkers reinforced by artillery regiments, anti-tank artillery, battalions of anti-tank riflemen, tank companies, mortar regiments, and other formations resisting stubbornly and refusing to give ground.

7 July 1943… By noon on 6 July SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and the remainder of the SS-Panzerkorps II was twenty miles deep into the Soviet’s defence zone. A huge gap had been torn into the Soviet’s Sixth Guards Army and the front line lay wide open. However, a crisis situation was building. The Soviets had moved strong tank forces of 5th Guards Tank Army from the northeast into an area just east of the Donets River. II/Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler received orders to immediately set out for Luchki II where it was to provide cover for the march route to the west and northwest. 0500 hours, 7 July the II/Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2 had just reached their designated defensive position and began to dig-in when the first wave of Soviet tanks laden with infantry of the Soviet 2nd Guards Independent Tank Corps hit.
12 July 1943… SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler pushed ahead towards Prokhorovka between the railway and the Psel making a thrust to the north to capture the forest southeast of Hill 252.2. Simultaneously, SS-PanzerGrenadier Division 2 “Das Reich” had gained a bridgehead over the Psel between Bogoroditskoye and Veselyy. The very thing, which the strict orders of the Soviet High Command had said, must on no account be allowed to happen, had now happened. Not only had the last natural obstacle before Kursk been overcome, but also the Soviet Sixth Guards Army had been knocked out and the Soviet First Tank Army badly battered. The Soviets had no choice but to employ their strategic Reserve and hurriedly brought up Fifth Guards Tank Army piecemeal. The result was disastrous. The newly arrived Soviet 18th Independent Tank Corps with its fifty tanks was immediately thrown into battle against the leading elements of Leibstandarte with the clear intention of destroying them. At the same time the lead elements of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, the III/Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2 supported by II/Panzer Regiment were setting out for their attack on to Hill 252.2. As both forces closed on to the line of hills that made up Hill 252.2 neither was aware of others presence.

9 September 1943… SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler learned that it was been transferred to Italy because the collapse of Italy from the Axis could be expected. Moving first to Innsbruck Austria by express train, then by road over the Alps into Northern Italy, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler arrived in the Po River Plain 8 August 1943. Initially Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler was protecting important railway and highways in the Trient-Verona sector before moving into the Parma-Reggio area. Once in their designated area Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler began to disarm the Italian units at their barracks. In the following month there were a few minor skirmishes; the most serious in the in the town of Parma, where the local Italian Commander proved to be particularly energetic, wanting to test the resolve of his former Allies.

19 September 1943… The disarming of the Italian forces in Northern Italy by SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler had gone peacefully. The reports of sizeable number of Italian 14th Army troops that had begun to withdraw into the mountains along the French border and were now being regrouped by capable officers was of concern to Germans. III/Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2 was sent in to disarm them. An Italian Lieutenant Colonel appeared at the headquarters of the commander of the III/Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2, S turmbannfuhrer Peiper, as official parlementaire for the Italian 4th Army. Under orders from his Army high command the Italians demanded that Peiper withdraw his battalion from the Province of Cuneo. Otherwise, it would be destroyed to its last man.
2 October 1943… Since the collapse of Italy there has been a daily increase in Partisan activity in the area around the Istria Peninsula. These Partisan groups had established strong, and in some cases fortified, positions all around the peninsula. They tended not to attack but hold their positions stubbornly and had recently intensified their artillery fire along the mountain and coastal roads. The reinforced Kampfgruppe SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler was moved to northeastern Italy a long the border with Yugoslavia in preparation to launch a rapid three-phase operation, with the objective to sweep clean the Istria peninsula of Partisans.
18 November 1943… Kampfgruppe Frey of SS-Panzer Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler had orders to hold Kotscherovo at any price. One thing was clear; the Russians wanted Kotscherovo and were encircling the town in preparation for an attack. As the cold dawn morning arrived they came, punctually at 0630 hours. The Fifth Guards Tank Corps’ attack was heralded by the screams of Stalin’s Organs followed by the incessant whistling, hissing, and crumpling of the earth as they erupted in the centre of the town. After the attack the Soviet infantry arrived on all sides with tank support and stormed the German’s position.
30 December 1943… SS-Panzer Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler received orders to move back at nightfall to the Polvezkoy-Solotvin-Kodnya line and to make contact with Panzer Division 1 to set up a defensive line near Hill 271.8 Northeast o f Berditchez. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler’s mission was to prevent any breakthrough by the Soviet forces and to keep the Zhitomir-Berditchez road open. The key to the defence was the town of Solovtin. It was heavily fortified and occupied by Flakabteilung 1 and Pioneries of Kampfgruppe Scheler, SS-Panzer Division 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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