Ritter Krieg is Now Shipping to Europe and beyond.


RitterKrieg Now Shipping Internationally:international-moves-cargo-ship

Photo of Olli’s latest partial ASL order. Although your quickest and cheapest method to get your ASL fix is probably still  through Xavier in Europe and Chris in Canada, I am now offering service outside of the USA.  Please check with them first for all of your ASL needs but we will be glad to fill in the gaps.  I have added a flat $50.00 shipping fee to international orders. If the actual shipping cost is less, I will issue you a refund. If the actual shipping cost is more than $10 more, I may (depending on the size of the order) contact you to make up the difference less $10, at which time you will have the option to cancel the order for a full refund.


pifBattledice PolishPoland In Flames is shipping from BFP and it is looking like a fantastic product.  While supplies last, I will be extending the special I have been offering including the Free Polish 16mm Battledice so you can kill those Hun invaders in style.   PIF should be here any day now and will be shipping out to you the same day they arrive. Here is a video of Poland In Flames posted by Jackson.



J11Missed MMP’s pre-order for Journal 11?  No big deal because we have it at the low  price of $34.20 shipping included (regular price $38.00 plus shipping).






woodworking logoWoodworking: So that was a very brief retirement.

Dice Tower – Christmas comes late for Tim Brieaddy.  The dice tower I made as a gift for Tim is finally finished.   Tims tower1 tims tower2 timstower 4 timstower5

Made out of solid Walnut to match the stock of his M1 Garand.  Black craft foam lining with the edges inserted in slots cut into sides of the wood.  3 baffles (45,45,60 degree). Shallow tray so the rolls are visible at any angle.  Video.

Table Tops – I will be starting on the ‘Argent Class’ of tabletops within the next couple of weeks.  I plan to videotape the process and post it to the site.  It will be similar to the ‘DuPont Class’ but a little more compact (2 Geo boards) and with 2 much larger detachable side trays. It will be made out of Cherry and have tempered 1/8″ glass.  I will be producing extras units of this model which I will post for sale on this site once completed.



Tanks 101 video:  It looks like I need to watch ‘how to make a video 101’ before  attempting to make a tanks 101 video.   Sorry this is taking so long but Tim and I will be trying again (3rd attempt) tomorrow to up the quality and content and will hopefully have it posted by next week.



We will soon be stocking Le Franc Tireur, Friendly Fire, and Heat Of Battle products.  Before long we will hopefully be carrying all ASL TPP (with one exception).  If there is something that you would like to see in our store, please shoot me an dr******@tr***.com“>e-mail so I can get pricing for you.


Order of Arrival (approximate):

Turn 1: Battle Dice – arrived

Turn 2: Complete Lone Canuck line –  arrived

Turn 3: Winter Offensive Pack 2016 – arrived

Turn 4: Poland In flames – middle of next week

Turn 5: Tanks 101 Video – end of next week

Turn 6: Journal 11 – end of next week

Turn 7: Friendly Fire – end of the month

Turn 8: Yanks – March

Turn 9: Sniper/ELR Cards – late Summer/early Fall

Turn 10: Korea – in time for the 80th anniversary celebrations of Kim Jong Un beating Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics.



3 thoughts on “Ritter Krieg is Now Shipping to Europe and beyond.”

    1. Xavier from Le Franc Tireur. There is a link on the resources tab. He is a great guy and he runs a fantastic company making some of the best TPP out there.

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