#41 Ost Front 3, FT200 Video Replay, plus much more


Ost Front 3 from Lone Canuck Publishing is in the mail from the great white north.  I will be shipping as soon as they arrive.  Jonesing for something new? At $10.80 with free shipping, this is your inexpensive ASL fix.  Also available is the Ost Front Trilogy at a special discounted rate.


New Dice Towers:

Dice Tower McWilliams 2 dice tower McWilliams 1This is the dice tower for Walter McWilliams with custom interchangeable graphics.  There will be two more of these posted for sale in the coming days.


Video Replay – FT200 Coconut K

The awesome Le Franc Tireur Deluxe Pack #1  with it’s fantastic artwork and great scenarios breathes life back into Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader (the same life that we take away from it with this horrible video).  Tim and I decided to try our hand at one of the PTO scenarios pitting Americans against Japanese.  I set up as the Japanese without reading the special rules converting the bamboo and jungle into coconut groves.  Tim did read the rules and informed me after I set up but I decided for the sake of keeping the ball rolling to leave my set-up as it was and see how it played out.

chess clockWith a late Christmas present of a chess clock from Charlotte ASL player Jeff Jordan, SPASL (Speed ASL) has entered the 21st century.  You can see all the action of this clock is use in the above video replay of FT200.






OBA Access Card Review:

Desperation Morale has finally caught up on all (?) of the newest ASL products including our very own OBA Access Cards (less than 20 sets remaining for sale).  For the most part, I think it was very flattering and accurate (although he did refer to the cards as being printed on card stock and not pvc.



Order of Arrival (approximate):

Complete Lone Canuck line –  arrived

Winter Offensive Pack 2016 arrived

Heat of Battlearrived

Tanks 101 Video released

March Madness arrived

Poland In flames arrived

Journal 11 arrived

Friendly Fire arrived

Le Franc Tireur arrived

FT200 Video – released

Lone Canuck Publishing – Ost Front 3 – April

Dice Towers – This week

Ammo/Map crates – Next Week

Normandy and SS Battle Dice: April

Yanks – April/May

Sniper/ELR Cards – late Summer/early Fall

ASL Korea – ???


3 thoughts on “#41 Ost Front 3, FT200 Video Replay, plus much more”

  1. Derek,

    Would you please bring a Rat chart for me to Bitter Ender?

    Loved your replay with Tim (George). He seemed to have a little problem with his searching dr. Remember that one of the possible non-searchable hexes could be the one his unit occupies, so when the final dr is 6 he can still search one hex.

    1. You are right about the searchable hex. Thanks, I will let him know too. I will not be bringing any ASL stuff with me to Bitter Ender as that tournament is sponsored by the Gamers Armory. If you order one off of this site, I can ship it same day (free shipping) or you can stop by the GA during the tournament as they sell them as well. I am really glad you enjoyed the video. We are having a lot of fun making them. Many more to come. Best regards, Derek. P.S. too bad you aren’t coming to my tournament next weekend. We will miss you.

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