Post #108 – Hazmo Pack 3. LCP’s Battle for France. Raaco Dividers – ASL woodworking update – hallowed ground Tournament – Passing of Friends

Hazardous Movement 3

Chad and Chuck have done it again with 10 more exciting scenarios, this time focusing on Stalingrad and the War in the East. Note that I am also selling all 3 packs together at a substantial discount.

Battle for France – LCP

Lone Canuck has released another scenario pack. This one dedicated to France 1940. You will notice that this pack is bigger than most Lone Canuck releases with 10 scenarios instead of the customary 6. Please click on the photo to see all the details on the scenarios.

Sub Dividers for RAACO A75:

Although there are many different ways to store your counters ranging from Bob’s coffee can to 3D printed solutions along with everything in between, I am personally a fan of the Raaco handyboxes. Professional and easy to transport, they are easily customizable by selecting inserts that fit your specific needs.

While sorting the counters for the new SCS title ‘North Africa’, I realized that I could sub divide the sub divisions with the addition of a small insert into the individual divider compartments. Hence a Divider that used to hold a maximum of 128 slots (using 16 A78 trays) could now comfortably hold 240 slots (using 16 A75 trays with subdividers). This not only makes it more compact to store and transport, but also cuts the cost by almost half.

I am posting these dividers for sale in packs of 5 pcs. for $2.50 ($0.50 each) but please contact me if you want me to send you the file to print yourself.

Hallowed Ground ASL Tournament 2022

John and Christina

Last year when I drove up to Gettysburg for John Dober’s annual tournament, I knew that he was quite ill but none of us believed that we wouldn’t get to see him again. John and Christina opened up their home, as they do every year for 4 days every July for their friends to laugh, chat, drink, smoke and of course play some ASL. Only beyond belief to those that don’t know the heart and love that is Christina, we returned again this year at her invitation to carry on the tradition and pay tribute to John. I drove up early Saturday morning to find a house full of over 40 friends celebrating John’s life expressed in tales from our wonderful memories shared. Seldom do you find someone in your life who becomes an instant close friend the first time you meet. John will always be that to all that knew him. I am grateful to Christina, Ken, Dave, Ed, and everyone else involved for making this happen. Through this, John’s legacy truly lives on. What kinder gift can one hope to leave behind.

Passing of ASL’ers Gary Trezza and Pat Flory. I know they will both be missed dearly by all that knew them.

Gary Trezza – Co- TD of the Albany Tournament.

Pat Flory – Owner of The Citadel Game store.

ASL Woodworking Shop:

It has been a few years now since I shut the shop down due to sawdust induced severe Asthma attacks. I may have found a solution with a new dedicated workshop with proper dust collection so hopefully I will be churning out ASL tables, dice towers, and Map Ammo Boxes within the year. Stay tuned.


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