Post #109 – Swedish Volunteers Action Pack 15. Starter kit 2 and 3 Back in Stock. Special Ops 10 Magazine Released.

AP 15 – Swedish Volunteers

So to recap the story behind why we are only now receiving Action Pack 15 – Swedish Volunteers, the first print run back in December 2020 ($35 retail) had an issue with not enough countersheets being produced so they were not being offered to the retailers at that time. Now in August 2022 it is back on the shelf albeit for $40. I am still honoring the pre-order price of $31.50 and am offering it to non-preorders at $36 shipping included while current inventory lasts. If you remember pre-ordering this product through Ritterkrieg but did not receive the invoice in the past week, please use coupon code ‘AP15’ to bring the cost back down to $31.50

Swedish Volunteers is MMP’s production of the original Swedish Volunteers scenario pack by Martin Svärd and Erik Leander. Featuring 16 ASL scenarios and the 128 counters representing the Swedish Order of Battle. Also included is Chapter Z notes for the Swedes. In true Swedish fashion none of the pages have words but screwdrivers and allen wrenches are included.

Special Ops #10

Special Ops #10 has ten articles, two ASL scenarios and two ASLSK scenarios,  The magazine also features the game Blitzkrieg to Moscow 2.

Featured articles cover Front Toward Enemy, Iron Curtain (with additional scenarios), Last Blitzkrieg, Panzers Last Stand, and more. There are also a ASL SK article and a couple ASL articles, including a preview of the upcoming HASL covering Marco Polo Bridge.

Blitzkrieg to Moscow 2 , origninally published by Bonsai Games, is a quick playing eastern front game. The game has one map, eight pages of rules, 12 cards, and 60 1″ counters.

Prokhorovka! Back In Stock

Straight off the boat from Italy, this Kursk monster pack is Stateside again in very limited quantities.

Looks like Guns and Tanks are back on the menu boys!!! – Starter Kit 2 & 3 Back in Stock

Out of Stock often but never for too long, the coffers have been refilled. Now in stock for Starter Kit we have absolutely everything other than Decision at Elst for you SK needs, all on sale and all with free shipping (orders over $29).

Starter Kit 1
Starter Kit 2
Starter Kit 3
Starter Kit 4
SK Expansion Pack 1
SK Expansion Pack 2
SK Bonus Pack #2

What have we missed in 2022?

this year has been so prolific with new ASL products it may be hard to keep up with all the new releases. Here is a list of the goodies that have arrived within the last 12 months:

Prokhorovhka! – Seven Historical maps covering the fiery Wagnerian crescendo of Kursk. Hundreds of AFV locked in mortal combat as the bad guys try to steal back the strategic initiative from the other bad guys.

From the Cellar 11 and 12 – 21 new scenarios and 21 must-have articles dissect the art and nuances of how to defend (FTC11) and attack (FTC 12) in ASL, earning you a black belt in humiliating your opponents and winning over the lovely ladies in the audience with your now perfectly honed ASL skills.

Operation Neptune – BFP takes us to the Seine as the British attempt to cross the river against some very stiff German resistance. CG and scenarios.

Hollow LegionsThe complete rework of the original HL. This edition not only includes everything the original had in with up to date graphics but also contains all of the desert components that used to be included in West of Alamein. But if this wasn’t enough, you also get ‘Soldiers of the Negus’ campaign game. A truly huge package. Do not forget to add LFT14 to this for the total Italian/Desert experience.

Sword and Fire: Manila – 6 Maps, 25 scenarios and a whopping 5 Campaign Games to keep you busy into the next century.

Winter Offensive 13 – 4 new scenarios and 3 new Deluxe Boards with MMP donating all proceeds to charity.

Pocket Combo – The much improved Pocket Rulebook along with the brand new Charts and Chapter H available individually or heavily discounted as a set.

Hazardous Movement 2 – Partisan warfare at it’s best. 10 sneaky no-quarter scenarios from behind the front lines.

Hazardous Movement 3 – 10 scenarios linking into a CG set in and around Stalingrad.

Operation Martlet – the first in a three part series of CG’s depicting Operation Epsom (Martlett) in Normandy 1944.

Wacht Am Rhein 2 – Eight brand new Battle of the Bulge scenarios.

Battle for France – 10 early war scenarios depicting the fight for France.

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