Shipping Update 2-17-2022

I wanted to send out an update on the status of our inventory and your orders.

First I’d like to say thank you for your patience. Never before have I seen such a perfect storm of new product mixed with the Gods of the supply chain sabotaging our every effort ay efficiency and speed.

We had no fewer than 9 new ASL products (Prokhorovka, Operation Martlet, Operation Neptune, Hollow Legions, From the Cellar 11, MMP Pocket Charts, Pocket Rulebook, Pocket Chapter H, and Winter Offensive 13) hit the market within days of each other. To add to the confusion, Paypal just outsourced their shipping service to ShipStation which does not allow orders over 30 days to be printed so over 200 orders had to be entered manually. Uline is backordered on shipping boxes, the Prokhorovka replacement empty boxes (to replace the crushed units of the first shipment) were held at the UPS hub in Cologne for 27 days, Christina left (thank God Hailey came back), and we went 5 weeks at Ritterkrieg without full staff due to injury or sickness.

The great news is that the last 60 orders should be out the door by the weekend.

Here is a the status of our new items:

Prokhorovka! – Back in Stock as of yesterday

FTC11 – In Stock

Operation Martlet – In Stock

Operation Neptune – In Stock

Hollow Legions – In Stock

Winter Offensive 13 – In Stock

Pocket Rulebook – In Stock

Pocket Chapter H – arriving any moment

Pocket Charts – Arriving any moment

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